Amethyst pendant
Amethyst pendant

amethyst pendant

Amethyst also symbolized one of the 12 Tribes of Israel and adorned the breastplate of the high priest, Aaron.īuddhism: Tibetan Buddhists often linked the spiritual quality of amethysts with Buddha.

amethyst pendant

Jews believed the gem caused powerful dreams. Judaism: the Hebrew word for amethyst, "ahlamah", translates to "dream stone". The deep purple color is believed to symbolize Christ's agony in the crucifixion. The holy men often wore rings made of amethyst to protect them on a daily basis.Ĭhristianity: The spiritual connotation of the semi-precious stone is often compared with Christ. Researchers discovered amulets were worn for both superstition and protection in the afterlife.Ĭatholicism: Bishops wore amethyst jewelry to protect them from the unholy effects of being drunk. Catherine the Great adored the purple stone and required the stone be used in all of her personal articles.Įgypt: The Egyptians made amethyst jewelry and amulets based on gemstone materials and meanings. Russia: The Russians also decorated the jewelry and crowns of their royalty with a plenty of amethyst jewelry. In fact, the British adorned the crowns of royal family members with radiant amethyst jewelry. The elegant drinking vessels represented the mystical power of the amethyst.īritain: Power, wealth, and royalty were often associated with the color purple. Rome: The Romans also believed they would be protected from drunkenness if they consumed wine in a cup festooned with amethysts. Whether it was a connection with spirituality, wine consumption, or royal lineage, amethysts have held their own in folklore, religion, and history. Many cultures throughout the world were drawn to the magic of this mesmerizing, mystical gem. While the Greeks believed in the healing qualities of amethysts, they weren't the only European country to do so. In fact, many cultures and religions around the world have viewed amethysts as one of the most sacred stones in all history. In fact, the origin of the meaning of amethyst stems from the Greek word "amethystos" which means "not intoxicating".īut it wasn't just the Greeks who tapped into the enchanting power of this majestic semi-precious stone.

amethyst pendant

The Greeks believed the amethyst healing power to be a mighty sword, able to slay the dragon of wine consumption. People might have even considered you to be a wise sage for doing this. Imagine if wearing your favorite amethyst jewelry could reverse the effects of being intoxicated?īut, if you lived back in ancient times, then the simple act of wearing an amethyst pendant or ring was thought to do the trick. Click here to learn why you should wear amethyst jewelry to harness positive energies. Why You Should Wear Amethyst Jewelry Amethyst is a beautiful stone that pairs well with any wardrobe.

Amethyst pendant