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Nowplaying kcsm

As Kristine Schwab, program director, explained, “The therapist was able to continue to work to help him with the transition to a new environment and be that familiar face he was longing for.” Sadly, he was nearing his final days, but thankfully his therapist was able to provide reminiscence therapy (looking at family pictures), music therapy (playing/singing hymns), and sensory therapy (touch and light massage) and would report to his daughter after each visit. In the case of a dementia client, the family had decided to recently transition him to a skilled home, and though they were unable to visit him due to COVID-19 lockdown regulations, the therapist with Stepping Stones was able to enter the facility as an essential worker. In May, LTS therapists began to see clients at home again with safety measures in place, and this proved to be a vital connection. All to ensure clients continued to receive care. They also thought outside of the box to put together and deliver leisure bags to clients at home. The Stepping Stones program focuses on recreational therapy, so their therapists performed exercises, crafting, and reminiscence activities via telehealth for those who could participate. Their therapists immediately reached out to clients to explain the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” mandate, and quickly adapted their services to meet clients’ needs from a distance. Staying connected to their clients was the first course of action for Life Therapeutic Solutions (LTS)’ Stepping Stones Program. Life Therapeutic Solutions- Stepping Stones Program Alphonsus’ Young at Heartprogram, who both used the power of connection in new and innovative ways. In this Millage Minder, we will take a look at two KCSM partners, Life Therapeutic Solutions and St. They rose to the challenge to come up with ingenious, safe ways to continue to take care of older adults. The KCSM network is made up of creative thinkers, who recognized that support is more vital now than ever before.

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If they didn’t have these relationships in-place, transitioning care during the pandemic would have likely proven impossible.

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Many of these services are established through the relationships they have with their clients. These partners provide social and in-home supports for older adults to help maintain their independence.

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Connection plays a critical role for our Kent County Senior Millage (KCSM) partners. Socialization is a key component for our wellbeing, without it, feelings of loneliness and isolation can set in. With the current pandemic, this remains true, however, the way in which we connect with our friends, family, and community likely looks very different. In trying times, the relationships we have with others can often become our anchors.

Nowplaying kcsm